Friday, December 30, 2022

Mars on 12/25/2022

 The Christmas skies were clear this evening, but the cold wave that passed through Charlotte from the Midwest gave us very transparent but unstable skies. Mars was difficult to image; the planet appeared to be under rippling water, with surface details appearing and disappearing every few seconds. 

This image shows the planet with linear wavelet processing. I pushed the processing as far as I could to enhance albedo features, while trying to perserve a "natural" image of the planet. The visible features can be identified from the Mars map of the area (below).

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Is More Better? Mars on 12/18/2022.

Seeing was below average this evening, but I decided to see if stacking significantly more images of Mars would produce a better picture than a large, but smaller number. The “lucky imaging” approach captures many frames at tens of frames per second. These frames are then stacked using packages such as AstroSurface, Registax, Autostakkert, etc,. Each of these packages ranks the captured frames by quality. The user then selects the percentage of the frames they wish to stack and process. However, the benefits of stacking decline as the number of frames increases. Stacking 1000 frames rather than 500 makes for a much higher quality image, but as the number of frames increases, the incremental improvement (i.e., the impact on the final image) shrinks.

The first image is from a large stack. I combined several AVIs captured sequentially to produce a large stack of almost 70,000 frames. I selected 45,000 frames for stacking. The second image is derived from 14,000 frames selected from a stack of 25,000 frames.

The differences between these images is subtle. The saturation of the first image (after color balancing), is a little more accurate. Moreover, subtle atmospheric limb clouds (the blue-white haze) are visible. These are missing from the second image. With more frames, I was able to back off wavelet adjustment and reduce the edge “rind” on the left limb of the planet. Achieving similar detail levels on the second image emphasized this rind.

My conclusion is that more is very subtly better. Would this conclusion be the case with a bigger aperture? I hope to test that out next year.

Images captured with a 5 inch Mak and Mallincam SkyRaider SLP.

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Jupiter on 12/17/2022

Seeing was slightly below average tonight after a cloudy day. Jupiter is close to its highest point in the sky by 6:30 local time, so it is ideally placed for imaging. 

The Great Red Spot (GRS) features prominently in this image. The GRS was likely discovered by Giovanni Cassini in 1665. This spot was observed until 1713, but then there is an observational gap of 118 years before it was again observed on September 5, 1831, with some 60 observations by 1879.. Since 1879 it has been continuously observed. 

There was a great deal of conjecture as to what the GRS was. We now know it is a massive, anticyclonic storm in Jupiter's atmosphere. If the early observations mentioned above are accurate, then it is a strom that has been raging for 357 years, with wind speeds as high as 432 km/h. 

More recently, in this century, the spot appears to be shrinking, with reports of the clouds at the edge shredding into the atmosphere. However, many astronomers believe the Spot's size is just a reflection of total cloud cover in the area, and not the actual size of the vortex that is creating it. The cloud shredding is, similarly, not related to the Spot. If this is the case, the Spot will be with us for many more years.

Mars with 5x Barlow on 12/17/2022

 Conditions tonight were better than yesterday and I decided to try some imaging with the 5x Barlow. This is a little crazy in the 125 mm f/15.3 Mak. The resulting focal ratio is f/76.5, for an effective focal length of 9,500 mm -- a little more than 31 feet!

The dim image meant I had to use a high gain setting to achieve a decent (47 fps) frame rate. Noise was high, but as I stacked about 13,000 of 26,000 captured frames, it was not an issue for the final image. The improved image size brings out some subtle detail on the disk which is missing on the 2x Barlow images.

Here is the Mars map for this image:

Mars on December 16, 2022

Despite less than average seeing, I imaged Mars twice tonight; once, when it was relatively low in the sky, and again when it was near the zenith. The images were passable, but definitely compromized by seeing. Before beginning the second imaging session, I had to clear dew off the scope corrector with a hairdryer. I've included Mars map comparisons for each image.


Jupiter on December 16, 20200

Conditions were a little more challenging for imaging tonight, with haze and dewing. Neverthess, I was able to get a usable image of Jupiter which shows some nice detail on the cloud belts. This image was taken with the 125mm Mak and 2x Barlow and the Mallincam Skyraider SLP. This image is from a stack of 15,000 images, with 12,000 stacked in AstroSurface; wavelets in Registax.


Thursday, December 15, 2022

Mars on 12/13/2022

Later the same evening I imaged Jupiter (last post), I also imaged Mars. The planet is close to the zenith around 9:30 local time here in Charlotte. Conditions were not as favorable as they were the last time I imaged the planet (I had to remove heavy dew from the corrector using a hair dryer), but I was able to capture a usable image using the 5 inch Mak and SLP imager (this is a stack of the best 40% of 15,000 frames).

Looking at the Mars map below the image, it’s not as easy to align the features with the map as it was in the previous image. Even early Mars observers noted that dust storms and weather on the Red Planet can make significant differences to surface features, and this appears to be the case with this image.

Nevertheless, some features identifiable: the north polar cap, and, at the top of the globe, Mare Sirenium, Mare Cimmerium, and Solis Lacus. The lighter, circular feature below center left is Amazonis, part of the Tharsis bulge, with its massive volcanoes, including Olympus Mons, the largest known volcano in the Solar System. Adjacent lighter areas,A rcadia, and Elysium, are also visible.

Many of these names originated from the observations of Percival Lowell. Lowell was a businessman, as well as a brilliant mathematician and avid astronomer. From 1893 to 1908, he studied Mars from his well-equipped private observatory in Flagstaff, AZ. Using his 24 inch Alvan Clark and Sons refractor, he noticed what he called “non-natural features” on the planet—the famous (or infamous) canals.

Lowell's canal map--1905

Lowell was consumed by the romantic vision of a mighty civilization struggling to survive as their planet slowly withered around them. The canals formed a vast transportation network, moving water from the polar regions to the dry deserts in temperate and equatorial regions. He also gave features on the planet romantic and evocative names (Arabia, Amazonis, Elysium, etc.), which created an exotic image of Mars in the popular imagination. The Barsoom novels of Edgar Rice Burroughs echoed this sentiment, while H.G. Wells explored its darker side in War of the Worlds.

But even in Lowell’s time, there were many who doubted the existence of the canals he so carefully mapped. The great astronomer E.M. Antoniadi reported seeing canals occasionally, but he believed they were an optical illusion caused by the brain joining up fleeting, fine details into linear features (I have, myself, seen linear features when visually observing Mars, only to have them break up into a complex of fine detail in moments of good seeing). Others criticized the whole idea of using open canals to transport water as preposterous, as evaporation would consume any water long before it reached lower latitudes. The overwhelming consensus was that the Martian climate was too hostile to support the development of complex life forms such as those Lowell envisaged. But despite this, the idea of a Mars with some sort of life persisted—I have a 1960s astronomy book which says the scientific consensus was that the dark areas on the planet were evidence of hardy, lichen-like plants.

The probe Mariner 4 put the final nail in the coffin of this belief. Its pictures showed a cratered, dry, moonlike world with an atmosphere far thinner than had been previously thought. However, these images resulted in an overcorrection of our perception of Mars. The track of the probe took imaged, by serendipity, the most moonlike areas of the planet. Future probes, such as the Viking landers, showed a much more Earth-like planet with bright skies and a landscape not unlike the US desert southwest.

Now, we know Mars is a dynamic world of winds and storms, of cratered plains and sand dunes. It is indeed an alien place, but our perception of it is still colored by the romantic imagination of Percival Lowell.





Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Jupiter and Europa (did I capture surface detail on the Galilean Moon?)

Last night was cold and a little hazy, so I decided to do some planetary imaging. Jupiter was high in the sky at 6 pm Eastern when I began imaging. Haze can sometimes benefit planetary imaging but seeing did not seem to be particularly good. Capella was twinkling low on the horizon in unsteady air. I took a quick peek at Mars (also low on the horizon), but it was scintillating, and no detail was visible. However, conditions were better towards the zenith, and Jupiter’s image indicated average seeing conditions. I took some test frames with the 5 inch Mak and Skyraider SLP imager. I was puzzled by the low framerate (about 12 fps), when I noticed I was running at 2048 x 1536. I reduced the resolution to 1024 x 768 (my usual imaging resolution with this camera) and achieved about 48 fps.

The Jupiter image below if about 45% of 15,000 captured frames. The quality graph in AstroSurface was surprisingly flat, and the resulting image of Jupiter (wavelets in Registax) showed unexpected detail. Textures are visible in the north Polar Region and North Temperate Belt. Loops and eddies of gas can be see in the North Equatorial Belt, with swirling clouds in the Equatorial Zone. In the Southern hemisphere, one of the 3 white storms in the South Temperate Zone/Belt is visible (the white oval). Two moons are also visible in the image—Callisto (nearest Jupiter on the lower left) and Europa (further to the left and higher in the image). These moons appear irregular when zoomed, which is an indication of the quality of seeing when they were imaged.

Out of curiosity, I processed an image of Jupiter captured at the lower frame rate (750 of 1500 frames) and I noticed that the moons appeared round. I zoomed in on Europa and was surprised to see what looks like albedo detail. The image below shows this zoomed image. My quick, back of the envelope calculation, indicates that Europa’s angular diameter is 1.04 arcseconds. Given that the 5 inch scope can resolve about 0.9 arcseconds, that’s remarkable (unless it’s an illusion!). The color does seem to match that of Europa’s dark features.

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

NGC 7822

 My last post for NGC 7822, a star forming region in the constellation of Cepheus, was on October 26 of this year. The image I posted was a short integration of 33 x 45 second subs (a total of about 25 minutes). The resulting image needed significant noise reduction in Topaz DeNoise, but the result was worthwhile. Last night, I decided to add to this data. Before clouds rolled in, I was able to capture an additional 200 subs. The image below is a stack of 233 x 45 second integrations, for a total integration time of about 3 hours. The result shows a much better contrast balance and more detail in the surrounding nebula. Click and zoom for more detail. The second image is a crop of the core region of the nebula, showing its "Pillars of Creation" features.

Tech card: RASA 8, NBZ filter, DS10C camera. 233 x 45 second integrations.

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Mars Reprocessed

 I decided to try a slightly different approach to Mars processing. I captured 2 AVIs last time I imaged Mars and I decided to combine them in PIPP, a free software package that allows pre processing of planetary video captures before stacking with separate software (like AstroSurface).  One option is a "join" function for video files. Using this function, I combined the two separate SER files into one AVI with just over 23,000 frames. I then stacked the image in Autostakkert, selecting the best 50% of the frames.

Although the images of Mars in the last post look very like the Martian map in terms of color, etc., they are not an accurate representation of the way the planet looks through the eyepiece. Visually, Mars is not deep orange, but is more of a pale ochre color. The dark areas are not black, but have a bluish cast to them. In addition, the images have a prominent ring, or "rind" to them--it can be seen close to the edge of the planet. The rind has a number of causes, but is primarily an artifact of wavelet processing. Fixing the problem is also complex and challenging, but one way is to minimally process the image to reduce (but not eliminate) the effect.

I processed the large image stack mentioned above in Registax using this more minimalistic record. The result is a more natural looking image of the red planet that still shows some subtle detail, including some edge haze missing from the previous images.

Friday, December 2, 2022

Mars Under Good Seeing

The same evening I imaged Jupiter under good seeing conditions, Mars was also favorably placed for imaging, but not until much later. Mars’ oppositions vary in quality. In favorable oppositions—like that in 2020, Mars is relatively close to the Earth. Its disc has a relatively large angular diameter and lots of detail is visible. In less favorable oppositions, the planet is further away from Earth, with smaller angular diameter and much less detail visible. In 2018, the planet had an angular diameter of 24.2 arcseconds. In 2020, it was 22.4 arcseconds. In 2022, it is only 17 arcseconds. 2025 and 2027 will be even worse, with 14.5 and 13.8 arcseconds respectively.

While I can image Mars early in the evening, it is currently low in the sky and detail is lost in the thicker atmosphere the light passes through. It is not until 11 pm that the planet rises above blocking trees and offers an optimal imaging target. The image below is the best 30% of 15,000 captured frames. Given the angular size of the planet and the small scope used, the captured image is quite decent. I have included a map to show the features captured, including (most obviously), Syrtis Major, the North Polar Cap and a suspicion of the South Polar Cap at the 2 o’clock position.

Tech Card: 5 inch Mak, SLP imager, 2x Barlow. Best 30% of 15,000 frames stacked in AstroSurface with wavelets in Registax.

Jupiter Under Good Seeing

When I lived in Indiana, sky conditions were rarely favorable for planetary imaging. Skies were either hazy and stable, masking detail, or transparent and unsteady, making the planets shimmer as though under rapidly moving water. Here in North Carolina, conditions are frequently favorable for imaging planets, and last night proved to be the case.

Shortly after sunset, Jupiter is approaching its maximum altitude in the sky, making circumstances ideal for imaging. I set up the 5-inch Mak with a 2x Barlow and the Mallincam Skyraider SLP camera. The SLP is an excellent camera; its small pixels (2.5 um x 2.5 um) support the capture of fine detail. Even though it is only a USB 2.0 camera, it can capture at nearly 50 fps, which is adequate for “lucky imaging” under good seeing. Lucky imaging is a technique where large numbers of images are captured rapidly, and the best of them are stacked and processed. Such an approach minimizes the effects of short-term variations in the Earth’s atmosphere and helps to ensure a high quality result.

This picture of Jupiter was captured using this technique. Of about 5,000 captured frames, 2,500 were stacked and processed to produce the final image. Given this image was taken with a very small (but high quality) telescope, the result is a tribute to the excellence of the seeing and the effectiveness of the lucky imaging technique; a great deal of detail is visible on the planet, including white oval storms. The moon visible in the image is Io.

Tech card: 5 inch Mak, SLP imager, 2x Barlow. 2500/5000 frames stacked in AstroSurface with wavelets in Registax. Color normalization in Nebulosity 4.

Thursday, December 1, 2022

The California Nebula--NGC 1499

 NGC 1499 is a large emission nebula in Perseus. Its low surface brightness makes it a difficult object to see visually, despite its magnitude of 6, but it is relatively easy to image with a narrowband H II filter. At 2.5 degrees in length, it is a good object for imaging with the RASA 8. The bright star in the image is Xi Persei. Also known as Menkib, Xi Persei is a blue star 12,000 times brighter than the sun; its radiation ionizes the hydrogen in the nebula and creates the object we see.

The California Nebula is a difficult object for me to image. I have only a 45 minute window from when iot emerges from one set of trees and disappears into another. Despite that, the F/2 ratio of the RASA was able to pull out some decent detail.

Tech card: RASA 8, DS10C, NBZ filter. 60 x 45s integrations.


Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Messier 33

 M 33 is the third largest galaxy in the Local Group, after the MilkyWay and M 31. The spiral structure is clearly visible in the images below. Initially discovered before 1654, the galaxy was rediscovered by Charles Messier in 1764. William Heschel also catalogued the galaxy in 1784, and it was among the first spiral nebulae identified by Lord Rosse. Edwin Hubble observed classical Cepheid stars in the galaxy, allowing him to demonstrate that M 33 was a galaxy in its own right.

For comparison, I've posted two images of M 33. The first consists of about 5 hours of data in 45 second segments, captured over two nights. The second is one night of data for comparison (2.5 hours in 45 second segments). Note the increase in the extent and detail of the galaxy in the longer exposure.

I have also included an astrometry annotated image, showing several of the galaxy's components visible in the pictures. Click and zoom for larger images. I have also added an image with clarity boosted to show details of the clouds of gas and dust near the core.

Tech card: RASA 8, DS10C, DMZ filter 

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

M 31 Reprocessed

 The big question in astrophotography is, "when  do I stop reprocessing?" Here are two more processed images of M31. The first is balanced to show the vivid colors in the galaxy itself, the second is processed to bring out more of the dust and gas clouds surrounding the galactic core. Click for larger versions

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Messier 16

 As we head towards Winter, many of the summer imaging objects begin to disappear from the sky. The Eagle Nebula (M16) is not visible from my site here in Charlotte as it never rises above the surrounding trees and houses. This image was taken in Northern Indiana with my very basic portable setup--a WO GT-71 21st anniversary edition scope with FR/FF, a DS10C imager and L-eXtreme filter, and a venerable, first-generation iOptron SmartEQ Pro mount. The edge stars are distorted because I have not yet found the correct spacing distance for the FR/FF on the GT-71. The spacing on the 21st Anniversary Edition is different from the standard scope (even though WO tech support denies this--but it is impossible to achieve focus with the scope using their recommended spacer setup). 

This image represents about one hour of total integration time (30-second subs). It is a wide field view of the nebula and you can just see the Eagle at the center (see cropped image and/or click and zoom). I manually dithered the scope every 20 integrations. This final image is a crop of the original capture. 

Friday, November 18, 2022

Messier 31

November is the best month to observe our nearest large galactic neighbor, Messier 31. While M31 was observed and cataloged by Persian astronomers in 964, it was not recognized as an external galaxy until 1925, when Edwin Hubble observed a Cepheid variable star in the galaxy and was able to establish that the ‘nebula’ was definitively outside our own galaxy. Hubble’s work settled the ongoing ‘great debate’ about whether the observed spiral nebulae were part of our galaxy or were ‘island universes’ beyond it.

With its bright core, spiral arms and dark lanes of gas and dust, it is a wonderful object for astro imagers. This image was taken with a narrowband filter, which highlights red HII regions in the spiral arms. The large image shows the whole galaxy and the crops of the spiral arms and core show some of the wonderful detail in this object.

Tech card: RASA 8; DS10C; NBZ filter. The final image integration time was 2.9 hours of 40 second subs.

Click on the images to see larger versions, then click again to zoom even further.

The bright, greenish patch at the 7 o'clock position is NGC 206, a bright region of star formation in M31 itself.

Details of the red H II regions and swirling dark dust lanes are visible in this crop of the core regions of the galaxy.

Wednesday, November 9, 2022


 After my Jupiter imaging session last night, I turned my attention to Mars. From my site, I can only currently image Mars when it is low in the sky. As it rises, it disappears into the trees that surround the observatory site. Last night's image was taken at about 2:00 UT. Mars was low in the NE sky. I imaged with the 125 mm Mak and 2x Barlow. I managed to get about 1800 frames before trees intervened. This image shows very little detail, but faint markings are visible and the gibbous phase is apparent. 

The 2022 opposition is not particularly favorable. The maximum disk size on December 8 is 17 arcseconds--as compared to 24.2 arcseconds in the favorable opposition of 2018.


The current full moon (the Full Beaver Moon) limits deep sky imaging, so I dug out my old first-generation ETX 125 OTA (I still have the original drive base and Autostar and they still work) and mounted it on the iOptron SmartEQ Pro GEM and set out to image Jupiter last night. My camera of choice for this session is the Mallincam Skyraider-SLP. Although it is a USB 2.0 camera, it can capture at a pretty decent speed at 1024 x 768 resolution.

The first image is a stack of approximately 2,400 images (best 70% of a stack of 3,000+) captured at 45 fps at 1024x768 with a 2x Barlow (f/30). The images were stacked and processed in Registax 6 and tweaked in AstroSurface, Affinity Photo, and Microsoft Photo. I happened to start imaging just as Io started a transit across the disk (I only saw it after processing); Io is visible to the left just entering the disk. The Great Red Spot and several whorls and condensations in the cloud belts are also visible in the image. Given the 5-inch aperture and the fact that the wind was shaking the mount throughout the imaging session, the result is not too bad.

Despite the wind, imaging conditions and seeing were quite decent. I decided to pull out a piece of equipment I have never used—a 5x Barlow. Of course, imaging at f/75 has some challenges (!). The biggest issue was that the capture rate fell to 4.5 fps. I could have boosted gain, but I find that gain adds a great deal of noise to captured video images, and I never boost it above 40%. I was surprised to see a usable image, and I captured about 2,500 and stacked about 1700 for the second image. The biggest disadvantage is that the slow capture rate cannot counteract atmospheric blurring. The result is a smooth and “artistic” looking image, but without much detail (Io was still transiting, and it cannot be seen in this image). UPDATE: Thanks to the advice of a colleague on the Mallincam Group, I RGB balanced these images. I used Dyadic wavelets in reprocessing, and Io can now be seen in the second image, too, transiting toward the middle of the same belt as the GRS (the South Equatorial Belt [SEB]).

All in all, I was pretty happy with the session. I’m looking forward to Mars a little later in the month when it will be well placed for imaging from this site.

Monday, October 31, 2022

A Ghost for Halloween

The Ghost Nebula in Cassiopeia makes a perfect object for Halloween season imaging. It is high in the sky and is a fairly easy imaging target. The nebula is being bombarded by radiation from nearby Gamma Cassiopeiae, the bright star at the center of the constellation's distinctive "W." This stellar wind is resposible for the fantail shape of the nebula, which looks like a "ghost sheet."

The object is in a heavily starred region, so I've included starless and starred images. for one of the starred images, I tried to reduce the number of stars by using the "scratches and dust" noise reduction option in Affinity. It does reduce the number of stars, but it also significantly reduces the quality of the image.

Happy Halloween, all!

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

NGC 7822

 NGC 7822 is a star-forming region in the constellation of Cepheus. The dusty streams and pillars in the nebula are carved out by the young, energetic stars in the nebula. While the nebula is currently a site of starbirth, the radiation from the new stars is destroying the gas and dust necessary for star birth.

I imaged this NGC 7822 this evening, but 24 minutes into the imaging session, clouds rolled in. I decidede to process the captured frames, and the results are surprisingly decent. 

Tech card: RASA 8; DS10C; NBZ filter. 33 x 45 seconds integrations.

     NGC 7822

                          NGC 7822 Crop

     NGC 7822 Starless

The Elephant's Trunk

Nestled in the heart of the extensive emission nebula IC 1396, is the Elephant’s Trunk Nebula—IC 1396A. Images of the Elephant’s Trunk show a dark, elongated cloud illuminated at the edges. This glow is being energized by the massive star, HD 2062067. While many of the stars in this region are very young (c. 100,000 years old), stellar winds from two somewhat older stars in the tip of the Trunk appear to have cleared out the cavity in which they sit. The Trunk itself is around 20 light years long.

My first image of the Elephant’s Trunk was taken years ago with my 14 inch ACF, a DSm camera, and an H II filter. I could just make out the faint outline of the trunk against the image background. The imaging advances in the last few years have been astonishing, and highly sensitive CMOS imagers make IC 1396A a much more accessible object.

IC 1396 is a region of subtle contrasts and colors. In my opinion, many images force contrast too high to give the Trunk more of a 3D aspect. Much of the delicate haziness of the nebula is lost. In the images below, I have tried to preserve this subtlety while bringing out the detail in the nebula itself.

Tech Card: RASA 8; DS10C; NBZ filter. Total integration time, 100 minutes (mix of 40- and 50-second integrations). 

    IC 1396A

IC 1396

IC 1396 Starless

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Westerhaut 5--The Soul Nebula

While I have had some success in imaging the Heart Nebula, the Soul Nebula (Westerhaut 5) has always been a challenge. It is significantly fainter than the Heart and my previous images have been plagued by noise, gradients, and hazy detail. Imaging conditions were good last night when I started imaging the Soul, but they declined quite quickly into haze and high clouds. I almost abandoned the session but decided to press on.

Westerhaut 5 is a massive, star forming region. The large cavities in the nebula are carved out by the winds from young, massive stars and the concentration of gas and dust caused by these winds is itself a catalyst for further starburst (a process called “triggered star formation”). The posted images show a full frame picture of the nebula, and two cropped frames of dramatic areas of star formation, with large pillars of gas and dust and dark globules. I’ve also included a starless version of the nebula.

Tech Card: RASA 8; DS10C; NBZ filter. 177 x 45 second integrations (132 mins total). Stars removed, nebula optimized, and stars added back).