Sunday, December 18, 2022

Mars with 5x Barlow on 12/17/2022

 Conditions tonight were better than yesterday and I decided to try some imaging with the 5x Barlow. This is a little crazy in the 125 mm f/15.3 Mak. The resulting focal ratio is f/76.5, for an effective focal length of 9,500 mm -- a little more than 31 feet!

The dim image meant I had to use a high gain setting to achieve a decent (47 fps) frame rate. Noise was high, but as I stacked about 13,000 of 26,000 captured frames, it was not an issue for the final image. The improved image size brings out some subtle detail on the disk which is missing on the 2x Barlow images.

Here is the Mars map for this image:

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