Thursday, December 1, 2022

The California Nebula--NGC 1499

 NGC 1499 is a large emission nebula in Perseus. Its low surface brightness makes it a difficult object to see visually, despite its magnitude of 6, but it is relatively easy to image with a narrowband H II filter. At 2.5 degrees in length, it is a good object for imaging with the RASA 8. The bright star in the image is Xi Persei. Also known as Menkib, Xi Persei is a blue star 12,000 times brighter than the sun; its radiation ionizes the hydrogen in the nebula and creates the object we see.

The California Nebula is a difficult object for me to image. I have only a 45 minute window from when iot emerges from one set of trees and disappears into another. Despite that, the F/2 ratio of the RASA was able to pull out some decent detail.

Tech card: RASA 8, DS10C, NBZ filter. 60 x 45s integrations.


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