Monday, October 24, 2022

IC 1805--The Heart Nebula

IC 1805, the Heart Nebula, was discovered by William Herschel in 1787. It is a popular subject imaging for obvious reasons. The contrast between the pinkish-red ionized hydrogen gas and dark dust clouds in this star-forming region, creates real visual drama. The brightest part of the nebula is to the bottom right of the first image. It consists of the Fish Head Nebula (IC 1795) and NGC 896. At the heart of the nebula is the open cluster Melotte 15. This cluster and the Fish Head are the brightest parts of the nebula.

The first image shows the full, captured frame; the second is the heart of Melotte 15; and the third is a starless image showing maximum detail in the nebulosity.

Tech card: These images were processed from a stack of 160 x 45s integrations (total 120 minutes). RASA 8; DS10C; NBZ filter. Stars were removed, the nebula was processed for optimal brightness and color, and finally, stars were added back.

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