Monday, September 19, 2022

Two Lobster Claws (Sh2-157) and Bubbles (NGC 7635)

 This area of sky is an interesting one for widefield imaging. The RASA 8 did a nice job of capturing some of the interesting DSOs in this area. The images below are an interesting comparison. The first is a 1.7 hour integration (25 second individual frames) processed and with noise reduction applied. For the second image, I added year old data from my last picture on the nebula, for a total of 3.7 hours of integration time (cropped differently due to framing differences in the imaging runs). I processed this image using a similar workflow, but with no noise reduction. I present them for comparison purposes. Is 90 minutes or so integration time the sweet spot, or is the subtle improvement in the second image worth the extra time?

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