Friday, September 23, 2022

M27 Reprocessed

 I use Siril for stacking images and for steps such as initial histogram adjustment and photometric calibration. Since updating to the latest version, I have noticed that using the Asinh Transformation in the package produces oversaturated and unbalanced images. The image of M27 I posted earlier used this processing step. I decided to reprocess the image stack, skipping the Asinh Transformation. That image is below, followed by the original image. I think the new image shows more detail and is significantly more "natural" looking than the first image. I may play around more with the Asinh function, but for now, I'm leaving it out of my processing workflow.

Processing offers so many options and choices. I've followed these two images with others, just to show a few of the almost infinite number of alternative processing choices there are. It's knowing where to stop that is the difficulty...

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