Sunday, September 1, 2024

The Trifid Nebula

 A combination of an emission nebula, a reflection nebula, and a dark nebula, the Trifid is a wonderful object for amateur imaging. I could only manage an hour of integration time, but under Bortle 5 skies (I'm visiting my daughter in rural Indiana), the Seestar really performed. My last image of this object (it's never visible from my home observatory due to trees) was with my 14 inch scope in 2016. This image is far superior, which shows just how far imaging has come in 8 years! The image was stacked and processed in Siril and Afinity.

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The Horsehead Nebula with the Dwarf 3

Here's an image of the Horsehead Nebula captured under my Bortle 8/9 skies. There's 2.38 hours of total integration time, captured i...