Sunday, March 11, 2018

Platform Automation--Some Further Thoughts

I've been using the automated platform described in the previous four posts for a while. Here are some further thoughts from this experience (with many thanks also to other users of this platform who have send me comments):

Hardware: the modest W5 I use is perfect for my purpose (automating a driveway scope). However, if I were to add extra functionality (a filter wheel and focuser, for example), I would suggest a "beefier" stick (with an i3 or i5, rather than an atom-based processor) with more RAM. In addition, these higher end sticks come with Windows 10 Pro (rather than Windows 10 Home), which supports Windows Remote Desktop, eliminating the need for TeamViewer. Performance of the system is also very dependent on network performance, so it's important to ensure that your router is no so far from the stick that network speed is compromised. For most users, this issue will not be a problem, but, if you experience latency or lag in operation, the quality of your network connection is the first place to look.

Image Quality (TeamViewer) and resolution: TeamViewer has an image quality optimization tab:

To optimize image quality, click on the tab furthest to the right in the Quality box (shown above). The tab next to it allows you to optimize connection speed at the expense of image quality. In practice, with a good connection, you will always want to optimize image quality. In addition, I have found it to be advantageous to set the resolution of the remote desktop (that of the stick), to be the same as that on the "home" system that I use to connect to the stick via TeamViewer.

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