Wednesday, September 6, 2017

The Sun on 09/06/2017

The sun continues its active streak, with AR2673 unleashing an X9.3 Class solar flare--the strongest in over 10 years! Stay tuned for aurora reports!

Here is a full-disk image of the sun taken with the PST-DS and Mallincam DS2.3+:

Note the rapid growth in AR2673--the bright area toward the bottom of the sun's disk.  To highlight the difference of the PST with and without the DS filter, here is a full-disk image taken without the DS etalon:

As you can see, there's less visible detail, the image shows some interesting textures in AR2673.

For comparison, here's a zoomed view of the active areas through the DS filter:

Notice the complexity in AR2673, especially the blue/white arc just visible snaking through the middle to the right of the area. By comparison, here is the single stack image:

There's much less detail and texture here, but it is still a dramatic shot!

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