Sunday, May 7, 2017

Copernicus, May 6, 2017

Last night's excellent seeing made for some great lunar images! I'll be posting them over the next few days, highlighting some the "tourist spots" on our nearest neighbor.

First up--the crater Copernicus.

At 93 km wide and almost 4 km deep, Copernicus is a major feature, with rays (the "splash" around the crater), spreading out over 800 km into the relatively smooth Mare material that surrounds it. The terracing on the inner walls of the crater is clearly visible in this image (there are 3 terraces, extending about 30 km). The crater has three central peaks about 1.2 km high.

This image was taken with the 125 mm MAK  and 2x Barlow and the MC DS2.3+ camera. 150 avi frames stacked and processed in Registax 6.

Click on this image for a larger, more detailed view.

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