Sunday, March 8, 2015

The Sun on 3-6-2015

Finally, after weeks of being below the tree line, and more weeks of temperatures far below freezing, I was able to start imaging the sun again. Although this puzzling SolarMax is coming to an end, H-Alpha imaging can still show an enormous amount of interesting detail on a disk that may look featureless in white light. These images show long, filaments, a glowing active area, and a looping prominence. Even though the sun is heading for a quieter period, there will still be lots to see; a new, flaring, active area is moving onto the disk.

Cracking with M-Class flares, AR2297 is emerging on the Sun's limb

Dark filaments snake across the solar disk
A churning solar disk with filaments
Prominences, one a loop, on the  solar limb

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