Friday, November 7, 2014

Skyshed Pod arrives!

Today was a big day. The 5-bay Skyshed POD arrived! These are certainly the biggest boxes I have ever received. Below are a couple of pix of them in my garage. I hope to begin construction at the site next week, although that will depend very much on the weather.

A budding, future astronomer inspects the dome package

The three boxes fill the car space in my garage! The 14 inch is crowded off to the side


  1. Hi, Brian
    You caught my show on NSN last night and pointed me to this your blog. Nice work!
    By the way, did you ever get your Sky Shed constructed? How is it working for you?

    1. Hi, Richard! I did not see your comment until now. The good weather finally arrived in Indiana and I hoope to do major construction next weekend! Thanks for dropping by!


The Horsehead Nebula

This image of the Horsehead Nebula consists of just over 4 hours of total integration time. Stacked and processed in Siril, GraXpert, Affini...