Saturday, October 26, 2013

ASI120MM Test Image: M15 (Stacked and Single Image)

M15. A stack of 15, 7 second exposures
Here's an image of M15 taken last night with my ETX 125 and the ASI120MM. The exposures were 7 seconds with the gain at 60. As you can see, this camera did a very good job. The first image here is a stacked image of 15, 7-second exposures. I stacked in Registax and did a little processing in Photoshop. I kept the exposures short to see just how well this camera would perform. I also kept them short because, although the ETX keeps objects in the FOV for hours with no problems, it does tend to "dither" quite a bit while tracking, which means the object moves around in the imaged field, leading to streaking. I had to select the best 15 frames from the stack of 80 I accumulated for final stacking. What appears to be a satellite trail (visible on only one frame) is visible below M15 itself.

The next image shows the results after simply stacking in Registax:

15 stacked, 7-second exposures

The final image is a single frame capture, unprocessed in any way.

A single, unprocessed exposure of M15

I think these images give a good idea of the performance capabilities of this camera. I can't wait to try it on the 14 inch scope.

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