Thursday, June 6, 2013

Today's Mosaic and Solar Gallery June 6, 2013

We finally had some decent imaging weather here in Indiana as the clouds of the past week or so moved on, leaving clear skies.  AR 1765 is the bright area in the center of the mosiac.  I also took a couple of "zoomed in" images of AR 1765, as well as activity in the area of ARs 1762, 1763, 1764, and 1766. AR 1762 has the potential for X-Class flares, but AR 1765 looks much more active in H-Alpha.  Images were captured with a MicroSoft LifeCam Cinema HD at 640 x 480. 400 frames were captured for each image, with the best 80 stacked and processed. The mosaic was rendered with MICE, a free program.
The Sun on 06/06/2013

AR 1765 and Environs
AR 1766 and 1764

                                          AR 1763 and 1762

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