Friday, December 10, 2010

Sun pix for December 10

I think I am getting the hang of imaging a little better. I have found that confocal imaging seems to be the only way to get a digital DSLR to work with the PST.  I have tried the mod of unscrewing a barlow lens from its tube and screwing it onto the bottom of the eyepiece adapter.  I can get close to focus this way, but I hit the end of travel on the PST focuser before I actually achieve it.  I hope to be able to adapt a webcam soon and to experiment with it.

The pix below were taken in burst mode and processed in Registax and the standard Windows photo processing package.  I have a much better package of my own, but I need to install it on my (relatively) new laptop.  Click on each image and you'll see a bigger view.

The first image has been enhanced to show surface detail.  Notice the detail around active area 1131 and the filament about this area.  The "orange peel" texture of the sun's "surface" is fairly well displayed.

The second is processed to show maximum detail of prominences on the edge of the solar disk.  As with other images I've posted, much more detail was visible with the eye than is displayed here.

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