Tuesday, July 12, 2022

NGC 6604

 This image of NGC 6604 was taken while I was traveling in Indiana. I have uploaded by starless and starred versions. Edge distortions of stars are visible in the starred version due to problems with spacing and the focal reducer. NGC 6604 is a cluster in Serpens and is an active, star forming region. 

Tech Card: WO GT-71 20th Anniversary Edition; iOptron Smart EQ Pro with 6A-II FR/FF; Mallincam DS10C imager; L-eXtreme filter. 168 x 35s integrations.

Monday, July 11, 2022

The Sun on July 8. 2022

 I have been traveling for a couple of weeks and I have returned to a cloudy, rainy, but warm NC. I did mange an image of the Sun though a gap in the clouds, and here it is. The disc shows several active areas which appear to be growing rapidly. AR 3053, towards the edge of the disc at the bottom, has the potential to produce M-Class flares. 

Friday, July 1, 2022

NGC 6910

NGC 6910 is an open cluster in Cygnus (visible to the left of center in this image. Discovered by William Herschell in 1786, it is very close to Gamma Cygni (aka Sadr), which is the prominent star in this image. I've also included the astrometric image.

Technical information:

Scope: William Optics GT-71 20th Anniv. Edition; 6A-II FF/FR

Mount: iOptron Smart Eq PRO

Imager: Mallincam DS10c

Filter: Optolong L-eXtreme

Imaging Software: NINA

Integration time: 3,815 seconds (109 x 35s)

Guiding: unguided; manual dither

Ha extraction in SiriL